We are extremely grateful to all those brave and courageous souls that continue to turn up on our doorstep, to trust, to let go and to dive deep into themselves.
We know we are on our own soul path and that we came here to help others find their True Being, we are guided very specifically to help awaken humanity. It is a joy to walk this path but it is the actual results that we see every time and the incredible changes, that we are witness to, which confirms this destiny and path.
Thank you so much for the feedback and glowing words as these light us up and push us onwards to always helping others. They also encourage others to step forward for a deepening of their own journey and to finding Freedom.
Bless you all. xx
"I am so thankful for my life again"
What a weekend I still am in shock after one week at what I went through 😅
I went to this ceremony weekend to reduce my stress levels. I realised how much anxiety I was carrying after the first night and it felt so good for this to be gone.
Day two was bliss and pure magic. I felt feelings I can't ever remember having, I am so thankful for my life again and I feel so present in the moment it's a great feeling. I have had a week of no shouting, no stress, mental clarity, more productive at work, I'm eating better and generally feel a happier version of myself.
Paul and Clare were there every step of the way. I felt safe and trusted them completely they are unbelievable partnership! I wish I had done this earlier in my life 👌
Thank you again for letting me be part of something incredible.
Louise - Living in Ibiza
"Our lives will never be the same again"
We are writing this a month to the day of our magical journey. My wife and I had been looking to join a healing ceremony for over two years but nothing had felt quite right.
Upon arriving on Ibiza, we made contact with Paul and Clare and immediately struck up a healthy relationship, this was particularly important for us. Once we had visited them at their home and saw the magical yurt where the healing takes place, we instantly knew it was the right place for us.
Our journey began at this point as we had to start the Dieta and within a couple of days childhood memories were surfacing and we both started to feel very emotional. At the same time, we also embarked on meditation practice and we feel that this really prepared us for the challenging journey ahead.
It was great for us both to be preparing for the ceremony together and talking through issues that were coming up, this was also true for the weeks after the ceremony when many emotions were still rising through our bodies. We could truly understand and relate to each other’s needs.
The ceremonies themselves took place over two consecutive nights, the setting was idyllic and it was great to be in a small intimate group. We both had completely different journeys at times euphoric and sometimes challenging, but bringing up very personal messages for each of us individually to deal with.
One thing that we both found very useful was to make notes the next day of the things we have seen and felt during the ceremony. This has stopped any doubt in our minds of what we experienced and has made the integration more powerful.
At this point, we are still both working through what we learnt on those two magical evenings and our lives will never be the same again, even at this stage we have noticed improvements in day to day living.
We would thoroughly recommend couples or individuals joining Paul and Clare for a fantastic healing experience in the perfect location.
We are very grateful to have this opportunity.
With love and peace,
Christopher and Yana – from the UK
"The revelation has been huge for me"
This was my 3rd ceremony with Paul & Clare, every ceremony there has been a big release of trauma from the physical body for me. At the beginning I started to unravel something, old forgotten memories that I wasn’t even aware were there. The revelation has been huge for me. It has set me free.
During the third ceremony I achieved the state of bliss, the feeling of where creation began and where I was in awe of how, for the first time in my life, my body was at peace, an experience I have never ever had in my life!
I owe so much to both these beautiful people for guiding me on a journey, one where I often resisted, but the trust I have for them guided me to let go of so much in my life. I now feel so much light both physically and energetically thanks to the sacred space that is created!
Thank you both and I know this is a continuing journey through my life. Aho 🙏🏼
- Emma from Wales
"They have definitely helped me to find my own freedom"
Clare and Paul have a wonderful and calm energy, which I feel blessed to be around; a vibrational feeling of comfort, trust and honesty radiates from them both. They were able to assist and support the journey of this beautiful healing that I desired to have for a very long time.
The ceremony was able to unlock the missing pieces that I have questioned for over 30 years, in a most peaceful and gentle way. I have also experienced a letting go of addictions like smoking, and becoming more aware of the root triggers which caused this habit. I feel like I have truly cleared 30 years of whatever had been stopping me from moving forward towards my own self-love. In just 3 days, feeling lighter, free, and much happier. They have definitely helped me to find my own freedom with me excepting their offer of love, kindness and understanding.
Thank you with all my heart and soul
My new family & friends, I am forever in appreciation that you both come into my life journey.
Tina – Canadian, living in Ibiza
"This is your place to be"
I felt the call to ceremony, I felt I was ready for a deep dive. Something beyond my imagination with the goal of healing my body on a whole new level was pulling me.
I was a bit anxious before stepping into the ceremony. One of the guiding points Paul said to me before ceremony, that I really held on to was : “You will not meet anything that is not about you, everything you will experience is about YOU”. I interpreted this phrase as. “If it’s only about me, there is no need to be anxious”.
With this I stepped into the ceremony with faith and trust. Another one of Paul’s nuggets was that my “Higher Being, who loves you unconditionally and knows you completely will only give you what you can handle, it is not going to break you”. Wow, I got a lot! It’s hard to put my experience into words but I will try anyway.
For two evenings I went on a journey into my own soul. I saw beautiful things as well healing trauma I wasn’t even aware of: me giving birth to my son. I got also very sick but I knew I had to go through it to feel better. There is no shortcut in life, also not in the ceremony. I got the most beautiful insights, vision and clarity about the next steps to take in my life. And I felt absolutely fine when we came out of the sessions. Feeling more free, healthier and happier.
The guidance of Paul and Clare was amazing. They were at our (we had a small group) side with so much love and guidance helping when we needed it. The whole retreat I felt absolutely safe with them, it felt like home in their house. They both do have very special gifts, I do highly recommend you arrange with them a visit to experience it for yourself.
If you are done with talking bullshit to yourself or if you are tired of old patterns you cannot break, if you want to really heal yourself – even things you are not aware of, if you are ready for a deep dive into you own beautiful spirit (mine was more beautiful than I could ever think of). This is your place to be!
Floor – Dutch, living in Ibiza
"I feel so different more free"
Hello Paul and Claire
I want to share my experience of the weekend where we have been taking the medicine.
It was a great journey which is very hard to say it in words but I am going to give it a try.
The first night where we took the medicine it came to me but didn’t feel I really got in. My Higher Being showed me all bright colours and showed me how beautiful the world is. But I didn’t really came into my self
The second day I went on a journey traveling through the yurt with all the energy which was coming in. There were a kind of ropes around me which pulled me out of myself. I couldn’t stay still but had to move. When I opened my eyes I saw light and energy going around in the yurt, which just felt incredible. There was a moment I had to leave my bed, dancing and crawling around in the yurt. It was amazing!
Surprisingly the vomiting was really a huge relieve. The second time I saw a spider had with his mouth wide open which I spit out something of my body. I don’t know what it was but it relieved my chest very much.
Paul and Claire, it was very, very fine to do the ceremonies with you two. There was a moment Paul I was looking for you and you were right there when I needed it. Thank you two for this great weekend.
It’s the week after and now still its opening me up so much more than before. It’s so difficult to say it with words what it has been doing to me since but I feel so different more free!
For sure there will be a next time and for me there is only one place where I am going to do it and that’s by Claire and Paul.
Love you,
Pieter – Dutch, living in Ibiza
"Profound personal and collective healing"
Paul and Clare,
I’m eternally grateful to you both for creating a sacred space for such profound personal and collective healing to take place. It’s life changing and utterly magical. This work is not for the faint-hearted; it takes courage and vulnerability to step into the darkness and face ourselves, but the results are so worth it.
Post ceremony, I feel so much lighter, like I’ve been re-born. For anyone considering doing a ceremony with Paul and Clare, I can’t encourage you enough to just trust in the process.
If you have arrived at this website, you are ready to do the work. You will not regret it. The truth will set you free!
Robert Sykes
Sound Therapist
British, living in Crete
"The best experience I have ever had on medicine"
I just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing weekend. The insights I got during the ceremony were absolutely incredible – the best experience I’ve ever had on the medicine. I learned so much and feel a completely different person now that I have returned home.You provided such a safe and nurturing space for all of us and it enabled me to really let go and to go deep. I also appreciated so much the guidance I got from both you and Clare and this enabled me to process and make even more sense of what I experienced. The healing and support you provided during the ceremonies were awesome and the beautiful location made my stay even better.Thank you so much for the work that you do, I will definitely be coming back again soon.
Julia, British living in the UK
"They gave 100% support throughout the journey"
I feel I have started the beginning of the bravest journey this weekend. Travelling to the deepest, darkest places of complete introspection and coming out the other side full of peace, light and so much joyfulness. I feel privileged to have been in ceremony with the beautiful guidance of Paul and Clare.
I have already learnt so much and they gave 💯 % support throughout the journey. This is the start of the most amazing process of learning my Truest Self.
I cannot thank Paul and Clare enough and look forward to continuing my journey.
Tasha – British, living in Ibiza
"A life changing event for me"
My experience during the plant based medicine ceremony with Paul and Clare was definitely a life changing event for me.
Paul and Clare are the most sensitive, loving, sweet and kind -but at the same time also very professional- people I could have ever imagined. During my journey, they took very well care of me and I felt completely safe. They were by my side the whole night and helped me through the tough times whenever needed in a very caring, loving and sensitive way. They also helped me to go as deep as possible in my journey, to make sure I got the very best out of my experience.
It’s been a month ago now, and I still feel super strong, happy, peaceful and light.
This experience changed definitely my life and I would totally recommend this place and these special people to everyone! “Free your soul” is exactly the right way to describe the results of the event for me.
I was struggling with a lot of issues in life for already for the last 20 years and I have seen a lot of therapists in the past couple of years, but I never got to the core. During this amazing journey of only 48 hours, I am very sure that this (finally!) actually did happen and I am more than super grateful for this amazing result!
Maud, Dutch living in Ibiza
"I'm a changed person"
Hi Paul,
I'm a changed person. Still the same and yet changed. I found some really dark places within me I knew that existed, but I've always ignored them. Now I shone light on it and it has changed me.
The way the Ceremony was organized, the support I received it was all incredible and magical. Your dedication humbled me. It was nothing I could have imagined and yet it was really myself that created this reality. That makes me proud of myself.
Like you said this is not for the faint of heart. Yet it's definitely for people who care about their heart.
I still feel I have to align with all I have seen. That will take time and trust.
Have a wonderful day.
Floris, Dutch living in the Netherlands
"Such an incredibly valuable weekend"
Paul & Clare cradle a space not just full of trust but of active love.
I was drawn to the ceremony by a willingness for change and a door was opened to a path, liken to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro – sometimes tough and disorientating but ultimately wondrous.
I want to climb, slowly, slowly, again & again because the air, the view & the feeling is impossible to snap.
Much love
British, living in the UK
"Es una herramienta muy poderosa para curar traumas profundos"
Lo primero, quiero agradecer a Paul y a Claire su apoyo y entrega para ayudarme en este viaje cuya intención era la cura de unos traumas que me tienen bloqueada desde que llegué a Ibiza y que hacen que seguir avanzando sea muy difícil .
Las Ceremonias a las que he asistido, dos, me han mostrado cómo mi cuerpo necesita de una preparación estricta a nivel de dieta sobre todo para poder retener en mi cuerpo la medicina lo suficiente para que sus efectos sean efectivos y completos.
Es difícil de expresar con palabras pero puedo sentir como algunos nudos internos se han deshecho y las cosas fluyen mucho mejor que
antes de la Ceremonia.Me he dado cuenta de que es un trabajo largo y duro y que yendo preparada la medicina es un instrumento increíble para la sanación de mis traumas profundos y que tengo que trabajar en ello.
Spanish living in Ibiza
"There is actual spaciousness inside of me for the me I'm supposed to be"
I was ready for this, not consciously knowingly but my soul knew. I fell deeply and head over heels in trust with Claire and a Paul the moment I met them which then proofed into my reality.
It was the weekend of a lifetime. Of many. A life before and another life after. A deep soul cleansing and of huge realisations through some healing and seeing of monster wounds, out through the folds of the fabric of life itself. I feel like a woman who has come out of the trenches of battle, leaves, feathers and branches till stuck on my hair, mud caked everywhere. But I am ready for more, deeply in love with all that is me.
I feel aligned. There is actual spaciousness inside for the me I’m supposed to be. There is clarity like clean icy water and a tenderness that permeates and encompasses the whole of my system.
I feel more whole than I’ve ever even thought possible to feel like. I am forever grateful to my own soul, my fellow cosmonauts and more than anything to Paul and Claire, their beingness, work and all-pervasive Love.
Blessed we are.
Klara Dutch, living in Ibiza
"What a wonderful journey I have had"
What a wonderful journey I have had. I received more than I could ever wished for and had the most unexpected insights. And in retrospect it was exactly what I needed. Without the personal care of Paul and Clare I don’t think I would have found what I needed to see. By simply (and this doesn’t represent the hard work the both of them have been doing in the unseen realm) pointing me in the right direction, they allowed me to walk my path myself, to do the work I needed to do, which allowed me to have my own experience and which empowered me deeply.
Even after the 2 days of ceremony I knew exactly how to continue my journey and now I feel reborn and totally aligned with my true self. Thank you, Paul and Clare, for your support and all that you are. I am a changed man and because of you I know I did this myself.
Unforgettable, life changing connections have been made within and without.
Sebastian - Dutch living in Ibiza
"I am definitely coming back"
I got introduced by a good friend of mine who recommended me to attend this medicine weekend that Paul and Clare organizes up here in Ibiza.
I must admit it is the best experience I had so far in my entire life. The professional way that Paul and Clare supported us all (we were only 7 since they work with small groups) was outstanding. Also the accommodation and the location has something magical. For me the ceremonies gave me the insights and answers I was looking for. It is life changing, awakening and a new beginning that will never stop. Every being on this planet should attend these awakening ceremonies since it helps you to better understand who you really are.
I am definitely coming back!
Dutch living in Ibiza
"My life changed. My being has changed"
Thank you so much for everything.
I’m still picking up things of the ceremony.
Bits and pieces fall into place.
Understanding things clearly.
Cleared everything.
So grateful, so full of love and light.
I still cannot believe what a shift has occurred.
My life changed. My being has changed. I’m finally free of an old way of thinking.
It changed everything for me in a positive way.
The hard work pays off. I surrender to the divine and now I feel so much more, me.
My journey was so healing, I didn’t expect anything. I didn’t know what to expect. But I haven’t experienced something like this ever in my life, it was the most beautiful and hard thing I ever did. I mean; I gave birth to my daughter and that was hard and beautiful at the same time too. Similar feeling. And actually, you give birth to the new you. Or maybe the real you. You the person you are besides the traumas and pain. Claire and Paul are the most professional guides and support what you can wish for. They know what they are talking about, they practice what they preach. You feel safe and they don’t give up on you. I could trust them, and I did. Took me a while but that was my own blockage. Also the humour, the feeling of happiness and joy. It makes it all so pure and light. Don’t take life to seriously they say, we are all only walking each other home.
I hope we can all go on this healing journey, as it makes life so much more worth it. Being free and full of love.
Thank you Paul and Claire for everything.
Liza - Dutch living in Ibiza
"I came as a broken man and left whole and full of love and gratitude for myself"
The last couple of weeks I was broken inside due to a relationship ending and after coming back to Ibiza I was magically guided to partake in a 2 day medicine retreat. I can talk for hours about my experience, it was truly the most beautiful and at the same time challenging experience of my life. It was such hard work!! There were so many childhood traumas at the surface due to the heartbreak that I had no other choice than to heal and purge them. And trust me, purging I did .. haha.
I came as a broken man and left whole and full of love and gratitude for myself. That was so much needed because the week before I realised I didnt love myself and therefor couldn't love others
I've been through quite a few medicine ceremonies but this one was so powerful and so divinely timed. I've never experienced something like this before. I've risen up, been reborn and a new dawn has broken, a new life 😍
So much gratitude for the facilitators, all the people involved and to myself for doing this hard work. Can't wait for the next one. It's time to transform
Much love to everyone.
Dennis - Dutch living in Ibiza
"The ceremony was truly life-changing in many ways"
Paul and Clare, thank you for all your beautiful and impactful guidance and encouragement. The ceremony was truly life-changing in many ways. You have created a way of working that is pure and very powerful, a new paradigm for humanity. I received so many visions, so much clarity on our deeper nature as love itself. And am now crystal-clear on what I am here to do and create, as the powerful creator that I am. Thank you for the love, the wisdom and the navigational directions!"
With lots of love!
Ed xx - French living in Crete